Wheelchair Van Financing
Explore Your Options

Easy Application for financing Equipment and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles 

Locating sources of funding to adapt or purchase a new vehicle can sometimes be challenging. Success often depends on knowing where to look.

Griffin Mobility is happy to help guide you, but it's important to recognize funding opportunities unique to your circumstances. For example: The Veterans Administration may have programs to cover all or part of your expenses, depending on the nature of your disability, or other state offices, including the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Division of Developmental Services should be asked to assess your potential eligibility for funding. Though not covered by Medical insurance, Workman's compensation, disability or Long-Term care policies should be explored if applicable.

Get Financed The Old Fashion Way

If for any reason you feel uncomfortable applying for credit online, that is no problem. You can stop in and fill out an application or download a printable version. Once completed, allow Griffin Mobility to submit it on your behalf. 


All information on this page is subject to change at any time and without notice. Credit check required. Certain financing options are only available with minimum credit scores and down payment. The payment calculator on our site provides an estimate of payment amounts and should only be used as a reference.

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We are standing by to assist you quickly via email.